The importance of curiosity in improving sales performance

When someone's sales performance starts slipping...

The first step isn't a performance plan.

It's sincere curiosity.

It's understanding what's going on.

What's really driving the declining performance?

Rather than presume to know the exact answer...

I ask.

With sincere curiosity.

"Hey Joe, numbers have been off. What's going on?"

And I actually listen to the answer.

There may be...
- Internal organizational issues I'm unaware of.
- External, product, or competition issues I'm unaware of.
- Something going on with "Joe" I'm unaware of.

Whatever it is...

Engaging, asking, and listening...

Before assuming and escalating....

Helps me understand, rather than make assumptions.

Sometimes, yes, it's just effort or technique.

But sometimes it isn't.

The Rx can only be as good as the diagnosis.

And informally asking also lets "Joe" know it's on my radar.


The benefits of Start the Weeks Off Right


Why listening to your sales team is good for business