Why listening to your sales team is good for business

Your sales team is an R&D channel...

If you take advantage of everything they have to offer.

Want to really know why prospects don't buy?
Want to the truth about why people choose a competitor?
Want to learn what improvements to make to your product?
Want some ideas on changes that could boost revenue?
Want to know where to put more money in marketing?
Want some alternative strategies to consider for growth?

Your sales team is on the front lines.

Talking to prospects.

Every single day.

Getting feedback from your audience.

If you aren't listening to what they have to say...

Just remember:

Any feedback you disregard may be the ammo a competitor or entrepreneur needs to create space between you and your customers.

Listening to your sales team isn't just good for their morale.

It's good for business.


The importance of curiosity in improving sales performance


Personal feelings will always be present at work