Start with why

Last night's Thursday Night Sales had a great question:

"My employer will help with an MBA, should I get it?"

I actually quit one MBA program and started over in another.

The program I quit was beyond disappointing.

I wasn't getting much beyond initials.

So, about halfway through, I quit.

Sunk cost. Tuition paid. Literally.

Some time later, a mentor put it like this:

There are 3 reasons you get an MBA...

1. Initials
2. Network
3. Learning

Some offer one of these, others offer all three.

And generally speaking, you get what you pay for.

I ended up rethinking my strategy.

And realizing I was previously paying for initials.

So I found a program that offered all three.

For me, it was an Executive MBA program at SMU.

I reenrolled, reengaged, and didn't regret it.

The difference between the two programs was night and day.

Similar classes on paper.

Nothing alike in terms of learning or network.

Plenty of programs can give you 1 or 2 of the 3.

Some will offer all 3.

Like Covey says, "Begin with the end in mind."

I would have been better off figuring out "why" I was going...

Before I committed to go, or where to go.

It's obviously not for everyone, but I'm very glad I did it.

Great education, great relationships, and great opportunities.

My vote: Start with why.


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