The best antidote for the 2 things that destroy a sales culture

Two things that destroy a sales culture more than any other:

1. Excuse making

So and so got better leads.

So and so is in a better territory.

So and so got lucky.

Excuse making skirts accountability.

Ownership is at the foundation of great sales cultures.

2. Gossip and rumor mills

Negative water cooler talk is poisonous to a strong culture...

Talking behind people's back.

Criticisms about the business that are never raised.

Creating "worst case scenario" rumors about situations.

Are all things that distract people from the main goal.

And kill positive energy needed for a strong culture.

The best antidote to both of these things?

From my experience...

Clear, candid, communication about expectations.

Through: values, 1-on-1s, meetings, and most importantly...


How you handle these things when they come up...

...whether you tackle them head on or pretend they don't exist...

...plays a major role in what kind of culture your sales organization has.


Maturity of communication & engagement — the foundation of a healthy sales culture


Coaching as a big part of effective sales leadership