Great businesses require much more than a 30 day strategy
The deeper you look for the problem...
The more firmly rooted your solution is going to be.
"Sales are stuck. Let's throw more bodies at it."
"Sales representative isn't doing well. Let's replace her."
"We don't have sales processes. Let's get a CRM."
"We are in complete disarray. Let's get Asana."
Are all things I've seen walking into a business.
And they all have had the same effect.
Very short-term, if any, improvement.
Speed is admirable.
But no matter how fast you run on a treadmill...
You aren't going anywhere.
Hitting pause, taking a step back, and investigating...
Is a discipline.
It's the long game.
But those bad ass businesses we look up to...
Weren't built on 30 day strategies.