Leadership is about owning your actions

As a leader, you own everything.

Yesterday, someone on my team made an honest mistake.

She sent the wrong message to the wrong person.

It came across the wrong way - and it was under my name.

And the recipient didn't like the message, understandably.

Honest mistake, but it looked bad.

Immediately, I got a note:

"I'm so sorry! I made a mistake..."

And went on to explain what happened.

I reached out to the recipient.

I owned it, explained it, and apologized for the mistake.

And the recipient actually responded:

"I actually owe you an apology. I could've responded better."

Ended well, probably better than it would have otherwise.

And both me and my team learned from it.

We all know ---- shit happens.

How we respond when it does defines how we lead.

My teammate was a leader.

She raised her hand and said, "I own this."

I responded in kind.

Even the recipient responded in kind.

Leadership is a mindset, not a position or circumstance.

And ownership of our actions is a good place to start.

Tough conversations - Easy life.


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