The 6 things that contributed to 6 promotions
6 promotions at one organization changed the trajectory of my career.
Here are 6 things I believe contributed to them most.
1. I spoke truth to power.
I spoke up when I disagreed - respectfully and with context for why.
2. I presented ideas to grow the business.
When I had ideas for improvements, I wrote them down and presented them.
3. I built cross-functional relationships.
I was in sales, but I build relationships in HR, communications, etc. and all played a role in my long-term ability to get wins.
4. I did my job.
For three years in sales, I never missed a monthly goal.
5. I did more than my job.
I found ways to make life easier for the team or my boss that were well outside my job description.
6. I never stopped learning and improving.
I knew the product and process, but I was always immersed in books, development, and ways to improve.
Yes, luck plays a role.
Yes, right place and right time helps.
But one thing is for sure:
Sitting around waiting for those promotions won't get you far.
Being proactive...
About improving the business.
About improving yourself.
About improving others. a great way to ensure "opportunity meets preparation."