Newsletter Archive
The power of planning.
When I made the decision to do my first triathlon, I simultaneously made the decision that I was already properly conditioned for the race and would not train. What could go wrong?
Free sales leadership coaching.
What do 15 years of martial arts and sales leadership have in common?
Great coaching dramatically improved my performance.
That’s why I’m paying it forward.
Progress begins with stillness.
When we think of the smartest, most strategic companies right now, like Amazon, Netflix, and Google, one thing that distinguishes them from so many others is the ability to visualize the future accurately, create plans to capitalize on it, and execute those plans well. A little luck never hurts along the way either, but luck alone can’t account for these giants.
Advance your career by putting yourself out of a job.
My management career started unexpectedly. With a move that could have, and in some cases would have, put me out of a job, I found myself with new responsibilities.
Salespeople, when in doubt, ask questions.
Being the “expert” in your prospect’s business, “establishing credibility immediately,” and “bringing a piece of information that shows you understand the prospect’s business right away” is great advice to salespeople that are an expert, have credibility, and do understand the prospect’s business. What if you don’t?
The most common small business strategy mistakes. And how to avoid them.
20-years of working with—and on—small and midsize businesses to address growth related challenges has given me some insight into the most obstacles out there. In one way or another, the source of many of these problems I’ve seen can be traced to strategy. These are the most common mistakes I’ve seen, and how to avoid them.
9 experts on how to communicate with customers during coronavirus
Businesses that want to survive COVID-19 must maintain consistent and relevant communication with customers throughout the pandemic. Here's how to do it.
How do you design a great sales commission plan?
It’s tough to design a sales comp plan that works for every situation. But these are some sure signs your current plan needs improvement.
Is your business essential?
As the new normal unfolds, one question we won't stop asking anytime soon is, "What is essential?"
Governments are asking it today. So are your customers and competitors.
What does this mean for your business?
Ready to pivot your business? Start here.
If you’ve ever tried fixing your car while driving it, you know it’s easier to make changes when you aren’t in motion. That’s true of changes to your car and it’s true of changes to your business. Which is why right now is a great opportunity for many businesses to pivot. Here’s how to start your pivot.
Carpe diem. What is your biggest opportunity today?
I was hired by someone this past weekend who inspired me to share his mindset because I think it could be helpful for other entrepreneurs and businesses.
What was his mindset?
How systems affect growth, of a virus and a business
One of the most impactful principles in mitigating the net effect of the COIVD-19 virus is the same principle affecting growth in your business: leverage points.
What does this mean for your business?